Beacons are small devices placed in vast places, for instance: shopping centres, galleries, hospitals, parkings, cities  etc. These devices create a virtual map of the place they are put in what enables us to easily reach any spot in the object. Based on beacon technology we provide indoor location, exhibits’ and events’ navigation and contextual info including augmented reality elements, dynamic guided tours and more. Beacons send signals to phones via Bluetooth which can start apps as well as push notifications.

Thanks to that people who attend events, conferences, galleries or shops can get information depending on where they are at that particular moment. Beacons also send signals to smartphones of customers that visit a shopping centre and create a specific profile. At the same time they are kind of a mobile assistant that help them during shopping. As one of few software houses, we create mobile apps that use the potential of beacons.

Download the beacons brochure: Lemon&Orange_beacons.pdf
